​KayLa Woodward,
SPorts Physical Therapist
Kayla graduated from Daemen College in 2017 with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. She has been with Excelsior Orthopaedics since 2022. Kayla achieved certification in the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy in 2019. She achieved a Vestibular Rehabilitation Specialist Certification through the American Musculoskeletal Institute in 2017. She completed the Pain Free Performance Specialist Certification (PPSC) in 2019 and the PPSC Functional Kettlebell Certification course in 2022. She became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA) in 2024.
Kayla brings her passion for sports to the clinic. As an athlete who has had to bounce back from significant injuries and surgeries, she understands the mental and physical aspects of injury prevention, rehabilitation, and long-term lifestyle modifications that can affect an athletic career.
At Excelsior, Kayla founded the “PromPT” referral process, which is designed to bring athletes / highly active individuals who present to Excelsior Express Urgent Care directly to physical therapy within days of their injury – this helps get them back to sport with confidence sooner rather than later!
Kayla is an avid reader and a competitive powerlifter. She spends most of her free time drinking coffee and watching sports with her husband and English Bulldog, Marge.